성당한글학교 수업의 마지막은 꼬꼬마 유치원 친구들과 함께했습니다. 작디 작은 손가락으로 열심히 집중하는 모습 정말 뿌듯했어요. 준비해간 젓가락 놀이도 엄청난 인기를 얻었답니다. 다음 시간에는 더 재미있는 프로그램으로 찾아갈게요~
The last class of the church Korean school was spent with our little kindergarten friends. It was truly rewarding to see them diligently concentrating with their tiny fingers. The chopstick games we prepared were a huge hit as well. We’ll come back with even more fun programs next time!
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Great Job!